Small Groups
The purpose of our small groups are to build friendships, grow in our faith, and open ourselves up to the power of God’s word. We weren’t meant to journey through this life alone, so come join a group who can help you walk faithfully towards Jesus. Whereas our bible study groups focus more on the study of Scripture, our small groups place a larger emphasis on connecting with others and building community.
Meeting Times/Locations
Most of our groups meet weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30pm – 6:45pm at FBCOKC. We have children/youth activities available and childcare is also provided! Our small groups have a Spring semester (January – May) and a Fall semester (September – November) and break for the Summer. Email if you’d like help connecting to a group. Check out the group options and sign-up form below!
The purpose of our small groups are to build friendships, grow in our faith, and open ourselves up to the power of God’s word. We weren’t meant to journey through this life alone, so come join a group who can help you walk faithfully towards Jesus. Whereas our bible study groups focus more on the study of Scripture, our small groups place a larger emphasis on connecting with others and building community.
Meeting Times/Locations
Most of our groups meet weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30pm – 6:45pm at FBCOKC. We have children/youth activities available and childcare is also provided! Our small groups have a Spring semester (January – May) and a Fall semester (September – November) and break for the Summer. Email if you’d like help connecting to a group. Check out the group options and sign-up form below!
Current Small Groups
Adams Group (Women Only) - This group is for women of all ages. They meet in the Library of FBCOKC bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 10:00am. The contact for this group is Toni Adams.
Middle Ground - This group is for men and women ages ranging from 30's - 40's. They meet in church office of FBCOKC every Wednesday at 5:30pm. The contact for this group is Sarah Stewart.
Higher Ground- This group is for men and women ages ranging from 50's - 60's. They meet at the home of Randy Hill every Sunday at 6:00pm. The contact for this group is Christi McConnell.
Pena Group - This group is for men and women of all ages. They meet in the Parlor of FBCOKC every Wednesday at 5:30pm. The contact for this group is Armando Pena.
Adams Group 2 - This group is for men and women of all ages. They meet in the Library of FBCOKC bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30pm. The contact for this group is Toni Adams.
Young Adults - This group is for men and women ages ranging from 20's - mid 30's. They meet in church office every Wednesday at 5:30pm. The contact for this group is Christi McConnell.
Stewart Group - This group is for men and women of all ages. They meet in Coffee Shop of FBCOKC every Wednesday at 5:30pm. The contact for this group is Brad Stewart.