Help Support Local Schools!

This month, we are collecting school supplies for 2 local schools: Thelma Parks Elementary in East OKC and Positive Tomorrows! We want to help ensure that each classroom is equipped with enough school supplies to start the school year. We are partnering with Restore Schools in this effort. You can find a generalized list of supplies that you can buy and bring to the church, below. Or, you can buy from a specified Amazon list and they’ll be shipped directly to Restore Schools, who will ensure that they are delivered to the schools before the first day of school. You can find that list here:

Restore Schools is also working to raise $5,000 to ensure that every student is outfitted with school uniforms, as well as a stocked uniform closet at the school. The average cost for a set of uniforms is $10/student. You can contribute toward their goal by following this link: 

Feel free to drop off your school supplies at the church before August 2nd, and we’ll make sure they’re to the schools before the first day of class on August 10th. Thank you for helping love our community so well!

School Supplies Needed:
  • Pencil Boxes
  • Crayola Crayons
  • Construction Paper
  • Crayola Markers
  • Wide rule Spiral Notebook
  • Composition Book
  • Glue Sticks
  • Bottle of Glue
  • Colored Pencils
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Wipes
  • 3x5 Index Cards
  • Wide-Ruled Filler Paper
  • Highlighters
  • Folders
  • Folders with Brads
  • Dry Erase Markers
  • Pink Erasers
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Paper Towels