Kids Off Broadway 2025 is right around the corner! K.O.B. will be held from June 9-13, 2025. Kids who are entering 1st through 6th grade are invited to participate. Actors, dancers, speakers, and choir members work hard each morning to learn a musical. Experienced leaders guide children as they practice each part. We take a break in the afternoons to relax and have fun with friends. Below are the registration forms, schedule, and fees. Fees are fully refundable in the event your child cannot attend Kids Off Broadway. Your fees cover all costs of the week, including a t-shirt, afternoon recreation, and food. Registration and fees are due no later than Friday, May 30th.
K.O.B. Auditions
We will hold auditions for solos and speaking parts on Sunday, April 27th from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. You can enter at the north doors, by the playground, and follow the signs to the 1st floor to find the audition room. Auditions are not required to participate in KOB. Children who want to audition for a solo or speaking part do not need to prepare anything ahead of time. They will be asked to sing a simple, familiar song or to read a few lines. Soloists will be notified as soon as possible of their parts. We will distribute music and scripts at the time of notification. *If your child wants to audition for a speaking part or solo, but cannot come on April 27th, please contact Ariel Koerner.*
We also have a class called KOB, Jr. just for those entering Pre-K or Kindergarten in the Fall of 2025. This class does not learn a musical, but they will learn some songs to share with us on Friday night. KOB, Jr. holds all the fun of older classes – singing, crafts, Bible study, and recreation, but it’s all geared to younger children. This class has limited enrollment, so if you are interested, please contact me immediately.
KOB Music 𝄞taff
Our student helpers are an important part of our week and we couldn’t make it without you. KOB Music 𝄞taff are students who have completed the 7th -12th grades. We are looking for students to help us who are responsible, caring and committed to helping kids have a fun and safe time.
Music 𝄞taff have a small fee to participate in all the events of KOB. For only $30 you will be treated with lunch, snacks, a t-shirt, and a great week! Below are some required forms for Music 𝄞taff. Please complete the forms by Friday, May 30th. You can pay $30 per MS online when you register, or when you arrive at KOB. Contact Ariel if you have any questions.
Music 𝄞taff have a small fee to participate in all the events of KOB. For only $30 you will be treated with lunch, snacks, a t-shirt, and a great week! Below are some required forms for Music 𝄞taff. Please complete the forms by Friday, May 30th. You can pay $30 per MS online when you register, or when you arrive at KOB. Contact Ariel if you have any questions.
Daily Schedule
Kids Off Broadway
Monday through Thursday
7:30am Early Drop-Off for free time in the gym
8:45am Regular Drop-Off
9:00amRehearsals (both large group and small group)
10:15am Bible study and snack
11:00amDrama practice
Solo Rehearsal
12:00pm Lunch
12:30 Rehearsal
1:30pm Elective
2:30pm Snack
3:00pm Afternoon Activity
4:30pm Snack and free play
5:30pm Extended Pick-Up
All children should be picked up by 5:30pm
7:30am Early Drop-Off for free time in the gym
8:45am Regular Drop-Off
9:00amRehearsals (both large group and small group)
10:15am Bible study and snack
11:00amDrama practice
Solo Rehearsal
12:00pm Lunch
12:30 Rehearsal
1:30pm Elective
2:30pm Snack
3:00pm Afternoon Activity
4:30pm Snack and free play
5:30pm Extended Pick-Up
All children should be picked up by 5:30pm
Monday - Thursday
7:30am Early Drop-Off for free time in the classroom
8:45am Regular Drop-Off
9:00am Rehearsal
10:00am Snack and Bible study
11:15am Lunch
12:00pm Rehearsal
1:00pmAfternoon Activity
2:15pm Rest time – your child may want to bring a pillow and blanket to keep here all week
4:00pm Snack and free play
5:30pm Extended Pick-Up
All children should be picked up by 5:30pm
7:30am Early Drop-Off for free time in the classroom
8:45am Regular Drop-Off
9:00am Rehearsal
10:00am Snack and Bible study
11:15am Lunch
12:00pm Rehearsal
1:00pmAfternoon Activity
2:15pm Rest time – your child may want to bring a pillow and blanket to keep here all week
4:00pm Snack and free play
5:30pm Extended Pick-Up
All children should be picked up by 5:30pm
7:30am Early Drop-Off for free time in the gym
8:45am Regular Drop-Off
9:00am Rehearsals (both large group and small group)
10:15am Bible study and snack
11:00amDrama practice
Solo Rehearsal
12:00pm Lunch
12:30 Rehearsal
12:30pm Lunch!
1:00pm Movie time – bring blankets and pillows
4:00pm Dress rehearsal – please notice that children stay at FBCOKC for performance
5:00pm Light dinner
5:30pm Change into performance t-shirts
6:00pm PERFORMANCE – invite family and friends!
7:30am Early Drop-Off for free time in the gym
8:45am Regular Drop-Off
9:00am Rehearsals (both large group and small group)
10:15am Bible study and snack
11:00amDrama practice
Solo Rehearsal
12:00pm Lunch
12:30 Rehearsal
12:30pm Lunch!
1:00pm Movie time – bring blankets and pillows
4:00pm Dress rehearsal – please notice that children stay at FBCOKC for performance
5:00pm Light dinner
5:30pm Change into performance t-shirts
6:00pm PERFORMANCE – invite family and friends!
7:30am Early Drop-Off for free time in the classroom
8:45am Regular Drop-Off
9:00am Rehearsal
10:00am Snack and Bible study
11:15am Lunch
12:00pm Rehearsal
1:00pm Rest/Movie time – bring pillows and blankets
3:00pm Rehearsal in Sanctuary
4:00pm Free Play in Class
5:00pm Light dinner– please notice that children stay at FBC until after performance
5:30pm Change into performance t-shirts
6:00pm PERFORMANCE – invite family and friends!
7:30am Early Drop-Off for free time in the classroom
8:45am Regular Drop-Off
9:00am Rehearsal
10:00am Snack and Bible study
11:15am Lunch
12:00pm Rehearsal
1:00pm Rest/Movie time – bring pillows and blankets
3:00pm Rehearsal in Sanctuary
4:00pm Free Play in Class
5:00pm Light dinner– please notice that children stay at FBC until after performance
5:30pm Change into performance t-shirts
6:00pm PERFORMANCE – invite family and friends!
Fees & Registration
Cost for Kids Off Broadway
Regular Registration
$85 per child
Late Registration
May 30 - June 9
$95 per child
Regular Registration
$85 per child
Late Registration
May 30 - June 9
$95 per child
Cost for Kids Off Broadway Jr.
Regular Registration
$65 per child
Late Registration
May 30 - June 9
$75 per child
Regular Registration
$65 per child
Late Registration
May 30 - June 9
$75 per child
Cost for Music 𝄞taff
Regular Registration
$30 per child
Late Registration
May 30 - June 9
$40 per student
Regular Registration
$30 per child
Late Registration
May 30 - June 9
$40 per student
If you have any questions, please contact Ariel Koerner.