Church Guidelines for Deacons

First Baptist Church, Oklahoma City
In accordance with Article VII, Section 7.02 (2) of the Bylaws, the following shall apply to the selection of deacons and to their ministries:
1.    Qualifications
a. General: A nominee shall have been a resident member of this church for at least one year immediately preceding election.
b. Christian Experience:  A deacon should have a definite and  matured experience as a Christian disciple.  As Paul said, a deacon must hold the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.  A deacon should be tried and tested as Paul describes in I Timothy 3:10.
c. Witness:  A deacon should show evidence of commitment to Christ through actions of love toward others and willingness to testify for Christ.
d. Character and Reputation: In personal and public life, the deacon's behavior should reflect credit and not disfavor on the church and the cause of Christ.  The deacon's life should reflect the fruit of the Spirit as described in Galatians 5:22-23.
e. Home Life:  The life of a deacon should be characterized by personal integrity.  The intent of the guidelines is to limit the deaconship to those persons who have achieved a stable and healthy home life.
 f.  Church Support.
(1)  The deacon should faithfully and actively participate in the full program of the church, both in attendance and involvement.
(2) The deacon should be a regular, faithful and cheerful tither in support of the financial program of the church.
(3) The deacon should be characterized by a wholesome spirit of cooperation with the entire church ministry.
(4) The deacon should be able and willing to assume responsibility in the work of deacons, including family care ministry, attendance at meetings, visitation and prayer.
(5) The deacon should be a member of vision and progressive disposition concerning the affairs of the Kingdom of God and this church, always faithful and eager to consider any worthy proposal for an improved, enlarged and efficient church program.
2.    Ministries
Deacons are the primary lay ministers of the congregation.  They have been publicly elected and have testified that they will serve in response to the leadership of God's Spirit.  The service of deacons cannot be sharply defined (because it is growing and developing all the time), but the following activities indicate some of the major ministries.  The outline will supply some information to those who are seeking God's leadership for their own lives in relation to this important office.
a.  Deacons assist the pastor and staff in praying and planning for the total life and ministry of the church.
b.  Deacons meet on a regular schedule each month for regular business and ministry reports.
c.  Deacons assist in the observance of the Lord's Supper, the ordinance of baptism and the collection of offerings at worship services.
d.  The office of deacon is a place of service.

Members Ineligible for Nomination

Currently Active Deacons:

Term Expires: 2020
Mike Adams
Larry Hawkins
Term Expires: 2021
Randy Hill
Roxane Jensen
Ariel Koerner
Victoria Malony
Christi McConnell
Gary Williams
Term Expires: 2022
Linda Fitch
Marti Hayes
Matt Malony
Jerry Reese
Gary Stephenson

Deacon Nominating Committee:

Mike Adams, Larry Hawkins, Randa Ogletree, Natalie Unruh and Pam Williams

Members with less than 1 year of active membership (ineligible per FBCOKC By-Laws):

 Dawn Murphy, Randy Hicks, Kim Hicks, Lynn Fillmore
Nominations will begin on July 12th and will end on July 26th.